Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Independence Day

I love the 4th of July. We get to become fans of the constitution, freedom, and the armed forces on our face book pages. We gather with friends and family and eat chicken and corn and try to explain to the children what the words of the constitution mean. Flags wave and our inner pyromaniacs come out to play.

Last night we had a small group of family (only 20) to Team Schiele World Headquarters. It was a great time and if you would like some homemade root beer, bring over a pitcher. Brian was an amazing grill sergeant, but has decided d its time for a larger grill. The fireworks show lasted about 20 minutes longer then moms and dads wanted and about 20 minutes short of what the kids wanted. Thanks to some great neighbors for adding their cheers to ours.

We have had the Ohio sharp family here the last couple of days and I have loved it! It was so fun to play with baby Emma and see what great parents Mike and Amy are. We had a lot of fun feeding them and hope they were not too board with us old folk. That baby is so sweet and good natured! Even her cry is sweet. But of course I am a little biased.

It was this weekend that for me spring officially ended and summer began. It had nothing to do with the date on the calendar, but the state of the garden. We finished off the June bearing strawberries and the lettuce is trying to bolt. There are no more flowers on the peas, so what is on those vines is all we will have this year. The first zucchini and the first summer squash should be ready to eat in a few days and the tomatoes and corn are growing fast.

After all the family stuff we needed a date so today we went to the latest X Men offering at the dollar flick. It was a great time holding hands and eating popcorn in the dark. So if you could pick a ‘mutation’ or ‘super power’ what would it be? Brian wants to be the ability to fly, or be able to heal himself and others. I can’t figure out what I want. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Monica said...

It was a fun time. Thanks for hosting! I thought the fireworks were perfect. I liked having two go off at a time. It made it more interesting. I guess we could do that because we had so many.