Sunday, August 17, 2008

Like Father Like Son, the opening....

Friday was the opening receptions for the two exhibitions that I mentioned in our last post.
We were out and ended up at Sam Wellers bookstore first, where my stuff was showing from high school.

It's hard to believe I did these 20 years ago! My high school reunion is next week!

After seeing my two photographs and all of the other art there, there were mostly paintings a lot of which were from this decade, but there were a few from other from the nineties and one or two going back to the 70's.

Ian had two paintings he did during the workshop he was in.

Close up, Ian's is the one with the Marlboro body and the brown one below and to the right of it.

I hope Ian can get into more of the workshops next year, I guess we heard about it rather late and were only able to get him into the one..


Mandos said...

Ian did such a great job! I'm very impressed! I love your work as well Brian. The guitar with the album is my favorite. That's way neat.

Mom in Orem said...

Loved your high school pictures! and Ian's too. Love the pictures on the blog so I can see them.

Ian..?? said...

It wasn't brown is was Redish Gosh is just had a Brown back ground