Sunday, August 3, 2008

Freedom is not Free

I was at lunch with Brian last week when a woman came up and hugged us both, thanking us for our sacrifice. This is not the first time this has happened. It makes Brian uncomfortable and me proud.

I am proud of his patriotism, his love of his fellow soldier, and yes, he looks hot in the uniform.

As sacrifices go I have been very lucky. (Knock on wood.) I have never had to wait and pray while he gets shot at. When he packs his army duffle bag, he is not gone for a year or longer. I have never had to mow the lawn or fix the sink because he was gone. Although this week, I came close, to mowing the lawn I mean.

This week Brian will be staying at Camp Williams as a councilor for Freedom Academy. He is safe, having fun, and will come home Friday exhausted and full of inspiring stories. If you don’t know what Freedom Academy is, ask him. This will be his last Freedom Academy and it is bitter sweet for him. For me, it’s a week to not worry about fixing dinner but I have to take the trash out. I guess you could say its bitter sweet for me too.

Six months from now, God and Uncle Sam willing, for the first time in his adult life he will be a civilian. For the first time in our married life I will not have to wonder if Brian will be coming home or going to Baghdad. We will no longer have daily reminders of what war can do to a body and a family. He will be able to grow a beard if he wants.

As he looks forward to that day he keeps saying that he is grateful for the experiences he has had, and even more for those experiences he has not had. I am grateful for the daily reminder that freedom isn’t free, and that Team Schiele didn’t pay more than we could afford.

From Brian:
Here are a couple of news stories I found that will give you a little insight to what the Freedom Academy is about and what we did this year...

Utah Army and Air Guard host 47th annual Freedom Academy

From the Provo Daily Herald

2011 will be the 50th edition of the Freedom Academy, I won't be a part of it as a counselor, but I will be a part of the celebration some how. Ian will be able to attend that year, I hope he considers going...


Marnie said...

Huaa! Thanks for all the years of serving our country Brian. I hope you enjoy your last Freedom Academy.

Mom in Orem said...

Freedom Academy is an incredible experience. I am so thankful that both Melodee and Matt got the opportunity. They both came home filled with appreciation and love of this great nation.

Brian rocks! We are so proud of you. Myndie your words are beautifully put and we are all really glad that your sacrifice was not more than you could give as well.