Monday, June 16, 2008

I want a bike! A pink cruzer. I found the perfect one on sale at K-mart a few weeks ago and now that I have the money they are sold out. Sold out, back ordered, have to wait who knows how long, all gone.

When I first saw it we were selling our old room air conditioner it seemed like the perfect way to spend some money- and save some with gas prices. I can do quick trips to the store on a bike. Not real shopping, but ran out of milk, need bread, craving cottage cheese trips.

I there are several family's that have been taking daily bike trips around the neighborhood. It looks like they are having so much fun! I want to go too.

I have an old bike I bought from Merilee that is not in working order. We could fix it up, but I was never really comfortable on it. And besides, it is not a new pink bike.

I found one I might like as much at another store. We will go look at it soon and see if it meets Brian's expert bike opinion. Stay tuned


Amy and Mike said...

I remember when I went Bike shopping with Brian. It was a lot of fun. You definitely married the right person to help you get a good bike.

Marnie said...

Oh how fun! I hope you find a beautiful pink bike!

Mom in Orem said...

Looks like you got that pink bike. You look like you are in heaven!